Ground Rules for IIPC – both the LMS portion and the CPEP LIVE seminar portion

We want you and your fellow participants to have a positive experience with this seminar. To make that happen, all participants are expected to uphold the ACGME code of ethics related to CME and follow additional Ground Rules outlines below.

  1. Each participant will complete the entire online LMS portion of the seminar and join the entire CPEP LIVE video program via Zoom video conferencing.
  2. Each participant will have their device (computer or tablet) with the camera set up to allow a stable picture so that the participant does not need to hold the device.
  3. Each participant will ensure adequate internet connectivity to support online work and Zoom video calls.
  4. Each participant will treat all information about other participants as strictly confidential and understands that the confidentiality of the learning experience is dependent on all of the participants abiding by these guidelines.
  5. Each participant will join the meeting in a private setting where the participant will not be interrupted and where no other persons will be able to view or listen to the program.
  6. Each participant will not create audio or video recordings, screen clippings or other digital records of the program or any materials on the screen. It is permitted to make personal notes on paper or a personal electronic device.
  7. If the participant has a visual or hearing problem, limited English language proficiency, or other uncompensated limitation that would interfere with his/her ability to hear the online or live video sessions and participate in the discussions, they will notify CPEP immediately for necessary accommodations.

The following guidelines will ensure a safe environment for constructive discussion during the LIVE portion of the seminar:

  • Regard the seminar as a safe haven
  • Keep confidences and assume others will
  • Listen to understand
  • Delay judgment
  • Suspend title and status
  • Accept fallibility
  • Value all feedback, including your own
  • Question your assumptions
  • Dare to share your insight
  • Be open to changing your mind
  • Respect different perspectives
  • Appreciate the professional nature of all healthcare disciplines
  • Expect revelation